1.Aleluya (Hallelujah)
2.Por Siempre (Forever)
3.Puedo Imaginarme (I Can Only Imagine)
4.Maravillosa Cruz (The Wonderful Cross)
5.Toda La Tierra (All The Earth)
6.Eres Digno De Alabar (You're Worthy Of My Praise)
7.Por Tu Gloria (For Your Glory)
8.Atreame Hacia Ti (Draw Me Close)
9.Nos Postramos (I'm Amazed)
10.Te Amo Rey (I Love You, Lord)
11.Yo Celebrare (I Will Celebrate)
12.Eres Fiel (You Are Good)
CD 2
1.Tu Nombre Es Santo (Your Name Is Holy)
2.Dios De Maravillas (God Of Wonders)
3.Tu Eres Mi Respirar (Breathe)
4.El Corazon De Albanza (The Heart Of Worship)
5.Por Esos Alabamos (That's Why We Praise Him)
6.Ven A Mi (Meet With Me)
7.Vine A Adorarle (Here I Am To Worship)
8.Por Amor
9.El Poder De Tu Amor (The Power Of Your Love)
10.Cantare (I Will Sing)
11.Sufficiente (Enough)
12.Ven Tal Como Estas (Come Just As You Are)
13.Roca Eterna (Rock Of Ages)
Descargar Parte 1
Descargar Parte 2
By Elmersonxp
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